One Year File Review

We are rapidly coming up on our one year file review this September.  It is hard to believe that nearly one year ago we were officially approved and placed in “the box”.  One year of waiting hasn’t been so bad actually.  Yes, there were times where we (me) become impatient, but generally I feel as though I have handled it well.

As our official file review is on September 30th, we have to complete the following items again:  Criminal Record Checks with finger prints for both R and myself and R’s Dad because he lives with us, medical reports (for each of us) and then an update to our home study.   Fun!  I have called and made appointments for each of our medical exams, and we are making the trip to the police department on the 25th to get fingerprinted.

Then we have to review our photos and such and determine if we are making any changes.  We won’t be making any changes to our profile package, it is strong and isn’t necessary for us to change anything at this time.

It sounds like a lot of work, but it is all worth it.  What we don’t want to happen is for us to get a match and baby is set to be placed in September, and our checks etc are not up to date.  That could delay the process.  With the adoption process, you need to have these up to date up past the 21 day period past placement.

It doesn’t seem like a lot of work for R because I schedule his appointments and he just shows up.  I think I need an assistant too!

I re-read my blog post On The Edge of the Box .  It was great to reflect back on that period last year, and remember all of the nervousness and excitement associated with awaiting approval.  The excitement still exists, but for very different reasons.  Now, we are excited because you just never know when you will get the call that you have been matched and selected.

What will be even more challenging is that when that happens, I won’t be sharing until after we have had our child for 3 weeks.  I think my plan will be to write a series of unpublished blogs during that time to document that phase… then when we can share, I will publish to the world!




Where have I been???

It has been a month since I last blogged. Life has just been busy in terms of work and well.. summer is here so there are so many more activities.

Beautiful lake view on a run

I took some time last week to get away to the lake. It was a bit of an experiment really. I generally don’t enjoy spending a lot of time by myself. I usually last a day or so and then begin to get very bored. It actually worked out very well, and I totally enjoyed my time.

On yet another walk with the dogs

It was an opportunity to recharge my batteries, spend time reading, running and a ton of walks.  I brought two of the dogs with me so it was nice because I had no choice but to walk them, which felt like nearly every hour during the day.

Beautiful lake view on a run

After a very busy few weeks at work, it was a fantastic choice on my part to get away.  R came up to the lake on Canada Day morning and spent the weekend. My ladies Jodi and Jenn also came up and stayed at another campsite at the lake, so it made for a very fun weekend and Canada Day.

There isn’t any news that we can report on the adoption front. We continue to wait and keep our fingers crossed. On September 30th is our 1 year file update and review. That will be our time to decide if/how we would like to update our photos, maybe change our Dear birth parent letter, and then we also have to get updated criminal record checks and a home study update. In terms of the length of wait we have had we are still early in the waiting process for a match. There are many people that have been waiting much longer.  The universe will deliver for us though.

Michael and Jodi
Start of the Manitoba Marathon

I recently completed the Manitoba Half Marathon at the end of June of Father’s Day. It was a very humid and hot run, but despite that I still managed to get a person best time. I’ll chock that up as an accomplishment. I have 4 or 5 more races scheduled this summer and will be running another half marathon in the Fire and Paramedics Half Marathon in October! It’ll be a good way to end the season, and even better that there will be no shortage of paramedics around in case I collapse. My goal is to once again get a personal best. I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself to be posting amazing times, I just want to see that I am improving with every race.

Now that things have calmed down a bit, I am also hoping to get more regular with my blogging. I missed it!